Board at Jubilee
There were no fireworks at the meeting of Jubilee Mark Lodge No 375 on 5th November but it certainly wasn’t a damp squib.
Brain Benn and Harry Kilgour
A combination of Covid isolations, work and bonfire responsibilities for those with younger children meant that there were reduced numbers at Ulverston Masonic Hall with 20 brethren in attendance. It was nonetheless a very enjoyable meeting.
Harry Kilgour, Brain Benn and Kieron Mullan
One of the first duties of WM Harry Kilgour was to invest Brian Benn as his IPM. Brian’s wife had tested positive for Covid a couple of days prior to the installation meeting and he quite sensibly decided to not risk attending. That proved to be a very smart move as he subsequently fell ill with the virus.
The main business of the evening was to receive a lecture on the tracing board of the degree of Mark Master Mason delivered by Kieron Mullan of Furness Mark Lodge No 36. I did inform Kieron, tongue in cheek, I was going to report that “he had done O.K”. However, I have to agree with the words of Harry who described it as “an exceptional piece of work”. It was indeed a pleasure to listen to and a real tour de force enjoyed by all who witnessed it.
Camaraderie enjoyed
On the evening there was a proposition for a candidate. At the next meeting, subject as always to ballot, Harry will be gainfully employed in advancing that candidate.
The atmosphere at the festive board was friendly and cheery serving as a reminder of what we had missed during lock-down.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear